Suspect documentation!

Welcome! This is the documentation for Suspect 0.4.4, last updated Apr 16, 2023

Parts of the documentation:

Getting started

Solving specific problems

Co-registering Images

Learn how to combine anatomical scans with your MRS voxels

The Consensus Processing Pipeline

As part of the 2020 NMR in Biomed Special Edition on Spectroscopy, Near et al. wrote a paper giving the consensus opinion on the post-acquisition processing steps, at least for the single voxel case:

Near, J., Harris, A. D., Juchem, C., Kreis, R., Marjańska, M., Öz, G., et al. (2020). Preprocessing, analysis and quantification in single‐voxel magnetic resonance spectroscopy: experts’ consensus recommendations. NMR in Biomedicine, 29, 323–23.

This is a highly worthwhile read for any spectroscopist, with excellent detail on almost every component of the process, with the one notable exception of channel combination.

Of course it is possible to perform all the processing steps from within Suspect, here we provide a Jupyter notebook with the complete consensus pipeline implemented.

OpenMRSLab SVS Demo Notebook

API Reference


Please see the changelog.